Eric Schmitt Leads Against Biden’s Disaster At The Border

Apr 20 | Media Center

In Case You Missed It: 

Save America, President Trump’s Political Action Committee, shared Attorney General Schmitt’s op-ed calling out the Radical Left’s political prosecution of President Trump. 

Eric Schmitt blasted New York Attorney General Tish James for her unprecedented witch hunt against President Trump and his family, and the dangerous precedent that this authoritarian smear campaign creates.

“Notwithstanding New York, in America, justice is supposed to be blind – there is a reason Lady Justice wears a blindfold instead of a political jersey. Attorneys general, and anyone with law enforcement power, have a special responsibility to adhere to the rule of law as a general principle. And Trump Derangement Syndrome does not provide legal cover,” said Attorney General Eric Schmitt.

Read the full Red State op-ed here —> A Eulogy to the Rule of Law: The Political Prosecution of President 

Theme of the Day: Eric Schmitt Leads Lawsuit Against Biden’s Broken Immigration Policies

Biden’s failure to control the massive influx of migrants has opened the floodgates to human trafficking and illegal drugs, which will have lasting effects on Missouri and the United States. Joe Biden’s border policies have been nothing short of a disaster, and Eric Schmitt has fought these terrible immigration policies at every turn. Eric Schmitt has already beaten Biden once, successfully suing to reinstate Trump’s Remain In Mexico policy, but the liberal activists pulling the strings in the White House won’t stop until our borders and our safety is demolished.

Right now, Eric Schmitt is leading a coalition of attorney generals in suing Biden for rescinding Title 42. Eric Schmitt knows that with hundreds of migrants crossing the border each day, every state is a border state.

“Time and again, the Biden Administration has failed to act to secure our Southern border and have terminated successful programs like Title 42 and the ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy. Missouri has been a leader in pushing back on the Biden Administration’s failure at the border, and we filed suit against the cancellation of the ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy and also filed suit to force the Biden Administration to build the Southwest border wall. If the Biden Administration won’t take proactive steps to secure our border and protect our citizenry, we certainly will,” said Eric Schmitt.

Eric Schmitt Joined Wake Up America To Discuss His Fight To Defend Title 42

WATCH HERE —> Wake Up America  

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Eric Schmitt is leading the fight against Biden’s disastrous open borders policy. He fought and won to reinstate Remain In Mexico, and he’s leading states from across the country in defending Title 42. We can’t risk letting Biden have his way with our borders, and I know that Eric Schmitt won’t back down. Learn more here →

We encourage you to share these messages with your friends and followers on social media. Eric Schmitt is a relentless fighter for Missouri, and with your help he can take the fight straight to Biden and Schumer in the U.S. Senate. Please encourage your friends and family to join our efforts and to receive daily campaign updates. 

– Team Schmitt

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