Eric Schmitt Leads The Fight Against Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth,’ Big Tech Censorship 

May 6 | Media Center

Theme: Eric Schmitt Leads The Fight Against Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth,’ Big Tech Censorship 

This week, Eric Schmitt sued the Biden administration for colluding with Big Tech to censor and silence Conservative opinions online. The Biden administration has weaponized social media in an attempt to exert control over public discourse and establish a politically monotheistic online ecosystem, devoid of the contrasting opinions that have built the foundation for the democracy we enjoy today. Biden’s Ministry of Truth and his censorship of Conservatives voices is an affront to the First Amendment and a despotic maneuver by an administration flailing in their efforts to retain power.

“Freedom of speech is paramount to a healthy society and discourse, debate, and discussion have been the cornerstone of our country since the Founders codified that right in the Bill of Rights. Missourians and Americans use social media platforms, which are now ubiquitous in our modern society, to discuss topics like the efficacy of masks and the veracity of the lab-leak theory. In direct contravention to the First Amendment and freedom of speech, the Biden Administration has been engaged in a pernicious campaign to both pressure social media giants to censor and suppress speech and work directly with those platforms to achieve that censorship in a misguided and Orwellian campaign against ‘misinformation,’” said Attorney General Schmitt.

Read about Eric Schmitt’s fight against tyranny here: Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general accuse Biden of colluding with Big Tech

Eric Schmitt joined Tucker Carlson to discuss his plan to protect the First Amendment from Biden’s attack. Watch here: 

Eric Schmitt on Tucker Carlson

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Biden and Big Tech have conspired to strip Americans of their First Amendment rights, but Eric Schmitt won’t let them get away with it, suing Biden to stop the censorship of Conservative voices.

In Case You Missed It:

Eric Schmitt joined Newsmax to discuss Biden’s Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board and how he will stop abortion in Missouri for good. Watch here:

Missouri AG Schmitt to Newsmax: Biden Shows He’s Most Divisive With MAGA Slam

We encourage you to share these messages with your friends and followers on social media. Eric Schmitt is a relentless fighter for Missouri, and with your help he can take the fight straight to Biden and Schumer in the U.S. Senate. Please encourage your friends and family to join our efforts and to receive daily campaign updates.

– Team Schmitt

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