Joe Biden Cozies Up To China To Fund His Green New Deal Dreams
Jun 8 | Media CenterTheme: Joe Biden Cozies Up To China To Fund His Green New Deal Dreams
Joe Biden has once again bowed down to China and given the Chinese Communist Party more control over our economy. This time, Biden has invoked the Defense Production Act to lift tariffs on Chinese solar products to boost his New Green Deal energy dreams.
For far too long the United States has allowed Chinese companies to dominate the American market. Now, instead of investing in American companies, Biden has taken the easy route by lifting tariffs against a country determined to see the United States fall. This action has been taken with the sole purpose of benefiting Green New Deal policies that will ultimately fail to address the energy needs of our country.
This policy is as foolish as it is dangerous. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to stand up to China, and who will fight for American security. Eric Schmitt has been relentless in his fight to save America from Chinese threats, and will bolster domestic production, not ship jobs overseas.
From The Field:
Eric Schmitt hosted the St. Louis County Young Republicans Club for a happy hour at the Schmitt for Senate HQ. St. Louis County is ready for a change in Washington, and they know that Eric Schmitt has their backs.
Upcoming Events:
Schmitt for Senate will be hosting a volunteer call night on tonight, June 8 from 5:00PM-7:00PM at our campaign headquarters in Kirkwood, MO. We hope you can join us and help push Eric Schmitt across the finish line.
For details and to RSVP, contact