Eric Schmitt is an Advocate for Individuals with Disabilities
Sep 28 | Media CenterAttorney General Eric Schmitt has been an advocate and friend to individuals with disabilities, drawing on his personal experience with his son Stephen to help further advocate and understand to help Missouri families. A lot of politicians talk about helping others, Eric Schmitt has a record of actually standing up for people with disabilities. Thanks to Eric Schmitt’s advocacy, individuals with disabilities are able to live a more secure and independent life here in Missouri.
Eric Schmitt launched the MO ABLE program, allowing thousands of individuals with disabilities to save for their futures. The Missouri ABLE program allows a person with disabilities, or their families, to open a tax-exempt savings account for the purpose of paying expenses relating to disabilities, including autism.
Eric Schmitt worked with families to ensure they could record IEP meetings. IEP stands for Individual Education Plans. When a student has a learning disability or they are on the autism spectrum, these IEP’s are very important and serve as a long term roadmap. For parents, teachers, and students alike, IEP’s are a helpful tool for those with disabilities to still experience in-person school while incorporating necessary tools to ensure success.
Eric Schmitt ensured those with epilepsy could reach needed treatments in Missouri instead of having to move to other states. Schmitt championed House Bill 2238 which allowed for the use of cannabidiol to be used to treat epilepsy patients who don’t respond to conventional treatments. Individuals wanting to use CBD oil as a treatment prior would have had to move states.
Eric Schmitt fought the insurance companies to ensure children with autism could get necessary treatments. Schmitt championed and passed House Bill 1311 which requires Missouri health insurers to provide coverage for autism in general, and for applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapies. ABA is the most effective form of therapy for many individuals with autism and can be extremely expensive when there is no insurance coverage.
The Heiress Valentine has double downed on COVID insanity. Just the other day, Valentine claimed the COVID-19 pandemic wasn’t over, despite Biden’s claim that it is in fact over. She and her Far-Left allies want to continue their tyranny over us. AG Schmitt will always fight to empower Missourians and allow them to make their own decisions–Valentine stands with the most radical forces of her party to have power over people.
From The Field
Attorney General Eric Schmitt visited Alphapointe in Kansas City to further understand their work that empowers those with vision loss.
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– Team Schmitt